All About Commerical Dice Games

Discover creative, commercial dice games that combine dice with cards, boards, marbles, tiles and other elements. The spotlight will be on any dice board game that gives dice a starring role or a unique purpose.
Traditional board games, like Monopoly, use dice in a ho-hum manner: advancing a player or piece around the board. This is an important role, but I prefer games that give dice more to do!
For the most part, smaller companies invented these fun games. They don't have the brand recognition or marketing power of Milton Bradley or Parker Brothers (both owned by Hasbro, by the way). These games are creative and fun to play and available in many game stores.
You can also roll the dice, wheel and deal with this great Monopoly games guide at
For the sake of simplicity, the term "board game" on this page is a catch-all. It applies to any game with dice plus another game element, like cards, tiles or an actual board. The game may be "boardless" with only dice and cards, like role playing games, and I'll still call it a board game.
Note: If you're looking for information on games like Farkle or Liar's Dice, please visit the How to Play Dice Page.
Game Categories
Let's take a look at some entertaining commercial board games in several popular categories:
Dice Board Game:
These games do indeed include a board. I'll show you games with a baseball theme (Slam Dice), marbles theme (Doubles Wild), Old West theme (Dice Town) and outer space (Warp 6), to name a few.
Chess Dice:
Chess and dice collide in a game that blends luck and strategy. There are several varieties of chess dice rules, so visit this page to find your favorite.
Dice Card Games:
Cards and dice play nicely together in these games. Discover games about endangered species (Wildlife Rescue), battling dinosaurs (Jurassic Wars), building castles (Knights) and a deck of dice cards!
Role Playing Games:
You can get your role playing game fix with a dungeons and dragons dice game (Inn Fighting), a royal challenge (To Court the King) or the chance to be a settler (Catan: Dice Game Deluxe)
to name a few.
Dice Games for Kids:
From Animal Yahtzee and Doodle Dice to Word Pirates and Dog Dice, plenty of great dice games exist for kids. These games are fun and educational, which makes both kids and parents happy!
Games Without Categories
These games rock even if they don't easily fit into one of the above categories. The Have You Herd? game features dice and farm animal tiles. Your goal is to battle other players to form a herd with one of each animal (horse, cow, rabbit, sheep, pig).
The Two Bridges dice game creates a fun variation on the classic game, Shut the Box. To win, you'll need to stand up blocks and roll your coins into a cup.

How about a fun game with dice similar to the classic game "hot potato"? Well, Le Boomb is for you! Don't be the last one with the "boomb" (which is good advice in general too).
If you want a spooky Halloween game, the zombie-themed Mmmm....Brains! is a good choice.

Another game with a spooky motif is the aptly named Zombie Dice by popular game maker Steven Jackson. This push-your-luck style game includes custom Zombie dice and Zombie dice cup.

The Space Race dice game will test your speed rolling skills and send you scrambling for tokens to stay in the game. You can also show off your civilization building skills with
Roll Through the Ages where you roll 7 special dice to construct prosperous cities.

The dice game Letter Roll creates a fast-paced, quick thinking word game that would be great for parties.
Letter Roll challenges players to write down as many words as possible that contain the 3 letters rolled on the dice. You'll only score points if you come up with a word that no one else has on their list.
You can watch a helpful video review of this game too.

Where to Find More Games
If your search continues, I'd like to help. You can find a great selection of dice games at Uncle's Games. Likewise, has a fantastic assortment of dice board games and much more. Because good things come in 3's, I'll encourage you to browse the pages of for its impressive array of games.
Dice on Display

Jade with Gold Scarab Dice
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